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News & Events
WHY Final Webinar: Policy Recommendations
The Potential of Energy Communities - WHY at CAIC'22
2nd Open Day - EUSEW'22 Energy Day
EU Green Week 2021
Our Solutions
Causal Model
Use Cases
Maintal Municipality Use Case
Energy Cooperative Use Case
Energy Community Use Case
The European Use Case
The Global Energy Scenario Use Case
Recommendations for municipal and regional policy-makers
Recommendations for EU policy-makers
Event Materials
Empowering Consumer Energy Sharing and Saving
ECEMP 2022 - WHY Sessions and Workshops at the Conference
The Potential of Energy Communities - WHY at CAIC'22
EUSEW'22 Energy Day
Contributions and Skills Workshops at EMP-E 2021
WHY at Sustainable Places Fast Track
Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithm for Energy System Models
Improving Demand-Side Modelling
EU Green Week 2021
WHY-NewTRENDS joint workshop
Articles and reports
Stakeholder Requirements Analysis D1.1
State of the Art Analysis D1.2
Use Case Definition - D1.3
Dictionary of load profiles: methodology and results: D2.1
Causal diagram methodology and results - D2.2
Technical Documentation of the WHY Toolkit D3.1
WHY Toolkit Libraries - D3.2
WHY Toolkit - D4.1
Report on the integration of the WHY Toolkit with the energy models - D5.1
Use Case Simulation Methodology - D5.2
Policy briefing and Social Impact Assessment - D5.3
The EU Use Case Workshop Report
Learning Materials - D6.1
Online Reference Documentation of the WHY Toolkit - D6.2
Interim Dissemination Report - D7.2
Market Analysis - D7.4
Scientific Publications
Press Releases
Posters and Flyers
Sixth Newsletter
Joint Workshop: Empowering Consumer Energy Sharing and Saving
ECEMP 2023 - Call for Papers and Abstracts
Grafting Cities: Maintal Use Case As Good Practice
WHY Toolkit libraries
Online Reference Documentation of the WHY Toolkit D 6.2
Integration of the WHY Toolkit with the energy models D5.1 : Report
Scientific Publication: Exploring Model-Based Decarbonization and Energy Efficiency Scenarios with PROMETHEUS and TIAM-ECN
WHY Flexibility Workshop: The Future is Flexibility!
newTrends Policy Brief: Policy brief – Circular buildings: Paving the way to a net-zero industry
NUDGE News: RE-energising Europe: 7 projects’ final event and blog post
EVIDENT Serious Game
Fifth Newsletter
Planning a Municipal Energy Concept with the WHY Toolkit in Maintal, Germany
Policy makers' and public administration's survey: What moves a citizen to invest in renewable energy
The main characteristics of the energy community use case
Past WHY Events
NewTRENDS recommendations for policy-driven modeling of the energy demand side
NUDGE Policy brief and poster – Profiling and nudging energy consumers to heat efficiently
Fourth Newsletter
WHY Second Project Meeting in Bilbao
The EU Use Case Workshop Report
[Webinar] Towards energy aware behaviours: How studies on young generations can inform better policy design
In Depth: The Energy Cooperative Use Case!
Consumers’ Electricity Consumption Impact of New Time-of-Use Rates in Spain
Survey: Why Do Consumers Participate in the Energy Transition?
Third Newsletter
Designing the Right Policy: Stakeholders Enrich Use Cases
Brick by Brick: How the WHY-Architecture Translates to Use Cases
Webinar: Energy Efficiency in Smart Energy Networks and Smart Grids - sEEnergies and WHY projects
System-level Effects of Increased Energy Efficiency in Global Low-carbon Scenarios
Resources: The EMP-E Contributions and WHY Skills Workshops
Coming soon: Eight reasons to read D2.1: Dictionary of load profiles
Community News: NewTRENDs Releases its Study on Statistical learning of residential electricity consumption data
Community News: Energy consumers’ behaviour to design nudging interventions | NUDGE
Community News: EERAdata Says Goodbye
Second Newsletter
WHY Use Cases
Defining Personas to Understand Stakeholder Needs
Policy-driven and private interventions to foster the energy transition and Energy System Modelling
WHY Events
WHY launches a Telegram bot to monitor the daily energy demand of households
Improving demand-side modelling - Workshop
External Resources: Publication: User needs and modeller-driven improvements of energy system models
External Events: EMP-E and EEDAL-LS21 Conference
External Events: SCORE Final Conference
First Newsletter
Why the energy systems needs causal modeling: the WHY Project
Stakeholder-based Profiles to Understand Energy Use Behaviours
Segmentation of Load Profiles by Time Series Feature Extraction
Building renovation strategy before and after COVID19: the Copenhagen case study
Joint Workshop: WHY-NewTRENDs
SENTINEL Project Identifies the Needs of the Energy Model Users
Enefirst Review and Guidance for the Efficiency First Principle
RescoopVPP Webinar highlights how to engage citizens in balancing the energy grid
Partner News - New compulsory three-period electricity tariffs in Spain
Partner News - Record-high electricity prices in Spain cause an influx of new members for GoiEner
Ongoing Call for Articles
About Us
Who we are
Our Project
Advisory Board
Contact us
Event Materials
The Potential of Energy Communities - WHY at CAIC'22
The Potential of Energy Communities - WHY at CAIC'22
Video Recordings of the Workshop
How do municipalities support energy communities: City of Prague
Jaroslav Klusák | City of Prague, Prague Energy Community, Czech Republic
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Support for local energy communities by the province of Barcelona
Albert Vendrell Roca, Environmental Services Department, Barcelona Provincial Council, Spain
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How do energy cooperatives support energy communities on the regional scale?
Leire Astigarraga, Engineer, Goiener Renewable Energy Cooperative, Spain
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Tools to support local and regional energy supply and management with the WHY Toolkit
Thomas Nacht, 4ward Energy Research GmbH, Austria
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Open Discussion: How will the WHY Toolkit help energy communities?
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